Clare LCDC signs contracts to deliver SICAP Programme 2024-2028
Clare Local Community Development Committee (LCDC), a subcommittee of Clare County Council, has signed contracts with Clare Local Development Company (CLDC) to deliver the Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme (SICAP) for 2024-2028 on behalf of the LCDC following their successful tender submission.

SICAP is a social inclusion programme that assists individuals and groups through a two-pronged approach, supporting communities and individuals.
The programme aims to address high and persistent levels of deprivation through targeted and innovative, locally led approaches. It targets and supports those who are disadvantaged in Irish society and less likely to use mainstream services.
The SICAP programme aligns with and is a key instrument in delivering on the themes of the high-level goals identified in the LCDC’s forthcoming Clare Local Economic and Community Plan 2023-2029.
Clare Local Development Company (CLDC) will engage with marginalised communities and service providers using a community development approach to address issues relating to social exclusion and inequality. CLDC will now be in a position to continue and build upon the good work that has been achieved under previous SICAP programmes.
Further information at
Caption: (L-R): Front: Dóirín Graham, CEO, CLDC; Mike Hogan Chairperson, CLDC; Cllr Gerry Flynn, Chairperson of the LCDC; and Bernadette Haugh, Chief Officer, LCDC.
(L-R): Back: Darina Green, CLDC; Brendan Boyce, LCDC Support Staff; Peter Williams, Procurement, Clare County Council; and Frank Cullinan, LCDC Support Staff.
Page last reviewed: 14/12/23
Content managed by: Corporate Services Department
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